WebSitePulse In The News
Apple iTunes Store Is Blocked in China, Internet Users Say
August 22, 2008, The New York Times
"...Internet users in China have been complaining this week that they cannot access Apple’s iTunes Store. The start of the problems coincided with an announcement from an advocacy group which said that around 40 Olympic athletes had downloaded a pro-Tibet benefit album that was also carried on iTunes...."
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High-jumping China's firewall
August 9, 2008, Asia Times
"...Internet frustration is at a peak as tourists and journalists scramble to get online while the big players in the Internet business attempt to placate the red dragon to make their lives easier..."
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Test China's Website Blocking
August 8, 2008, Technology Review by MIT
"...Insert any website URL into the entry field at this website and it will check and report the website's accessibility in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong, China against the following: Seattle, WA, Munich, Germany, and Brisbane, Australia. ..."
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How I Became an International Chinese Dissident Without Even Trying
August 7, 2008, AppScout
"...At Dan Costa's recommendation, I've spent the better part of the afternoon on Website Pulse's China Test site. The app tests the limits of the Great Firewall, determining wheter sites are banned in three cities--Shanghai, Bejing, and Hong Kong...."
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China Will Lose the Censorship Game
August 7, 2008, PC Magazine
"...As journalists, Olympic spectators, and Chinese citizens will attempt to write, publish, broadcast, and read stories, the Chinese government will attempt to control these stories or stop them entirely..."
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Hundreds of websites still censored at Beijing Olympics
August 5, 2008, LA Times Blog
"...When reporters logged in at the Beijing Olympics’ Main Press Center last week and found that dozens of humanitarian and media websites were digitally gagged -- including, in some instances, the ones they worked for -- they learned a civics lesson that a billion Chinese already knew: Silence is golden..."
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Websites China is still blocking: Help build the list
August 4, 2008, LA Times Blog
"...Last week when the Olympic press center opened in Beijing, media members were outraged to discover that many sites were blocked, despite promises from both the International Olympics Committee and the Chinese organizers themselves that press freedom would be unencumbered..."
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Wie China das Internet zensiert
August 2, 2008, WDR Blog
"...Eigentlich ist das Internet relativ schwer zu kontrollieren. Nachrichten und Meinungen bahnen sich hier fast immer irgendwie den Weg..."
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China opens crack in Great Firewall for Olympic press
August 1, 2008, Ars Technica
"...It's closed! It's open! It's closed! It's open again! The Chinese government has once again agreed to open the Internet for press during the Olympic Games, apparently after being pressured by the International Olympic Committee, which in turn was pressured by the international journalism community..."
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Firewall chinês atormenta imprensa
July 31, 2008, PC MAG
"...Durante os primeiros dias de cobertura da imprensa das Olimpíadas na China, jornalistas já notaram uma desagradável surpresa. O "Great Firewall" (trocadilho de firewall com "Great Wall" - a Grande Muralha) do governo chinês já atua com força, censurando alguns termos e sites...."
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As Olympics begin, China's open Internet nowhere to be seen
July 30, 2008, Ars Technica
"...China has apparently backed out of its repeated promise that the Internet would be open and accessible for journalists to use during this summer's Olympic Games, scheduled to begin next week..."
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Find Out If Your Website Is Banned In China
June 30, 2008, Podcasting News
"...You can check to see if your site is banned in China using WebSitePulse, a web server monitoring service. They have a Web-based form that checks your Website (or RSS feed) from Shanghai, Beijing or Hong Kong..."
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.Mac websites, images appear to collide with Great Firewall
April 30, 2008, Ars Technica
"...Websites, images, and other media hosted at users' web-based .Mac accounts appear to be the latest to fall victim to China's Great Firewall..."
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China's Wikipedia wall not quite demolished
April 7, 2008, PC Pro
"...Tests using's Great Firewall of China checker show that searches for the Tiananmen Square protests and pornography are also banned..."
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Chinese openness to Wikipedia fleeting at best
April 6, 2008, Ars Technica
"...Checks with WebSitePule's Great Firewall tester show that and most topics contained within it are indeed accessible from Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong. Pages for topics that China looks down upon, however, are not so accessible—this includes the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, the Falun Gong, and pornography..."
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The Great Firewall of China
April 2, 2008, MacWorld UK
Tibet? Kein Treffer.
March 20, 2008,
"...Wenn es um Nachrichten aus der annektierten Provinz Tibet geht, sieht es eher schlecht aus..."
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Great Firewall of China expands as Tibetan riots continue
March 17, 2008, Ars Technica
"...WebSitePulse's China firewall tester have only yielded a block on thus far..."
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Die große Mauer
March 17, 2008,
"...Auch heute ist in Shanghai oder Peking YouTube noch nicht wieder aufrufbar..."
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Wielki Firewall Chin blokuje YouTube
March 17, 2008,
"...blokady te są tylko częściowo szczelne i w różnych regionach Chin można uzyskać dostęp do różnych treści..."
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China blockiert YouTube
March 16, 2008, Spiegel Online
"...Tests von SPIEGEL ONLINE mit einem Internet-Tool, das den Zugang zu Seiten von China aus prüft, ergaben, dass am Sonntagnachmittag von Rechnern in Shanghai und Peking nicht zu erreichen war..."
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Hallmark Website Sees Downtime
February 15, 2008, Web Host Industry Review
"...Hallmark's website was down for a few hours on Thursday while visitors scrambled to get their last-minute Valentine's shopping done online..."
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